Diamond IT Blog

Shadow IT - not to be ignored

Written by Samantha Cordell | June 26, 2017

"Shadow IT refers to IT devices, software and services outside of the ownership or control of IT organisations" (Gartner). These are typically used inside organisations without explicit organisational approval, including online messaging software, online e-mail services and online document sharing.

According to Microsoft, 80 percent of employees are using non-approved SaaS apps, bringing shadow IT well and truly out of the shadows and into the workplace.

With so many apps available on demand for download, employees search for tools and software to support and accomplish their daily functions. The challenge is when the tools or software are compromised or if the websites that they are being downloaded from also package malware with the software, increasing the risk of data loss and ransomware.

A study from EMC suggests that data loss and downtime cost a total of $1.7 Trillion each year. Many businesses would be crippled if sensitive data were to be leaked. Data loss and downtime can happen if we download software or run a tool that might include a cryptolocker and start to encrypt files across the file server.

Scenarios you should look out for include:

  • A busy marketing manager downloads a new app for team collaboration. Business plans are uploaded, marketing materials are shared. The team starts to communicate regularly about confidential business topics.
  • At the same time, the head of legal has an important document to review at home. She considers downloading it to a thumb drive but decides, instead, to send it to her personal email to read later that night.

These scenarios are familiar—and frightening—to anyone in corporate IT.

Instead of worrying about data breaches, we recommend reviewing Microsoft's infographic on how you can give workers highly secure, scalable, on-the-go productivity tools.

File sharing and collaboration tools

The most frequently requested cloud services are file sharing and collaboration. When IT can’t provide easy, mobile solutions, business users turn to unauthorised apps, some of which put corporate information at risk. A recent study showed that of the 1,000+ cloud services used by enterprise employees, 44 are considered high risk to the business.*

Give business users what they want

There’s no reason to stay in the dark about shadow IT. This is the perfect opportunity to partner with the business to give them exactly what they want with a solution that’s secure, scalable and enterprise-ready. File sharing and collaboration tools in Office 365 are easy to use and provide mobile productivity for all business users.

Don’t wait to get ahead of shadow IT. Download this new infographic: 3 ways to outsmart shadow IT and learn how IT can help the business before business users help themselves.

How can Diamond help?

As a Microsoft Gold Certified partner we work proactively with all our customers ensuring they have the latest technology solutions that will ensure their IT systems and processes are aligned to industry best practice including Office 365 and other leading solutions. For more information on how we can help you, call now on 1300 307 907 or via our online contact form below.

Source: Microsoft Office 365 Blog

*Cloud Security Alliance, Cisco and Frost & Sullivan