Diamond IT Blog

World Backup Day - an important reminder for backing up data

Written by Martin Thurgate | March 30, 2021

Wednesday 31st of March is World Backup Day, a day dedicated to reminding us of the importance of backing up data.

While we think that every day should be "World Backup Day", we take this opportunity as a great reminding about data storage best practices and other important ways to ensure your data is safe.

Put simply, a backup creates a copy or archive of your important information, which is ideally stored in a separate, secure location (such as the cloud), so you can quickly and seamlessly restore it in the event of data loss.

Whether it's something as small as accidentally deleting an important file, or as critical as a ransomware attack, data loss of any size can disrupt your business, costing you time and money.


Data loss is more common than you may think

Businesses deal with huge amounts of data each day. It helps us understand our customers, improve products, operate more effectively, and ultimately maximise profits.  So, it is surprising to hear that many businesses and individuals are still not backing up their most important business asset.


Some statistics from World Backup Day to consider

  • 1 in 10 computers are infected by viruses each month.
  • 30% of people have never backed up.
  • 113 phones are lost or stolen every minute.
  • 29% of data disasters are caused by accident.


2020 was a record year for data breaches

Particularly with the COVID19 pandemic being held responsible for the surge in ransomware attacks. While cyber attacks may represent one of the largest threats to your business data, other major threats may not be as obvious.

Everyday threats that don't often come to mind when thinking about data loss include:

  • Damage or failure of your computer or storage devices.
  • Data corruption or theft.
  • Power failures.
  • Natural disasters such as fire or flood.
  • Accidental deletion of files. 


Why do I need to ensure my business data is backed up?

Backing up your business data regularly is important so that you are prepared for any disaster or threat that may unfortunately strike your organisation. A backup will allow you to restore your businesses database, customer files, and emails sensitive information, so that you can continue to operate with minimal disruption.

A good backup program will regularly backup your data, often make multiple copies of it in secure locations as part of its defence strategy.


Modern threat detection and response software

It's important to also note that modern threat detection and response software, such as Managed Endpoint Detection and Response, offers an additional layer of backup recovery, with the ability to roll back any devices that have been infected by malware to their pre-infected state.



How can I back up my business data?

With backup solutions evolving at a rapid rate, it is important to select a provider that can help you get the most out of today’s technologies. While a back up is essentially a copy of your files, not all back up devices or technologies are created equal.

Your business data is invaluable, and it’s critical to be able to restore your data from backups quickly when required. 

Diamond Cloud (DCloud) Backup delivers a powerful and reliable solution across cloud, virtual, and physical locations. Our range of DCloud Backup solutions include:

  • DCloud Backup for Servers.
  • DCloud Backup for Microsoft 365.
  • DCloud Archive Solution.

Diamond Cloud Backup and Diamond Cloud Archive provide innovative and robust solutions for your Servers and Microsoft 365 environments.


Take the World Backup Day Pledge

Don't be left an April fool - take the pledge this World Back up Day - Take the pledge now.


How Diamond IT can support your business this World Backup Day

Our team also have significant experience working with a range of vendors to offer cloud based solutions for our customers. Talk to us about the best backup option for your business or contact us today on 1300 307 907 for more information on how we can work together with you on your Managed IT Services needs.